Monday, July 23, 2007

Lecture Update

Deborah Wender
  • Time: 7:00 PM
  • Date: Thursday, September 6, 2007
  • Place: Library Auditorium

Click here for a link to BYU's website: About the Event

There will also be a class offered at the University of Utah the following day.

For more info and for information on book arts classes offered at the Univ. of Utah visit their web page.

Book Presses

Traditional Book Press

Cassandra's Homemade version

A great and easy (not to mention economical) way to have a press at home is to have some boards cut down at a local lumberyard, and use C-clamps to "press" your books. In the pictures on this post Cassandra used c-clamps, but I've also seen many people make presses using long bolts and drilling holes in the corners of the board.